Wapmash.wapkiz.com website’s full code


Note: This site is made for mp3 files only. So, the codes of this site will not work perfectly for other files such as video files, image files, apk files etc.


Follow below steps to create

Step 1. Change Html Start TAG Code

Step 2. Insert Meta Header

Step 3. Insert Header

Step 4. Insert Footer

Step 5. Insert Home Page Code

Step 6. Search Page Code

Step 7. Latest Update Page Code

Step 8. Category or List Page

Step 9. Download Page Code

Step 10. Top Songs Page

Step 11. Last Added Songs Page

Step 12. Create More Recommend Pages

Tutorial Tutorial For Manual Latest Update

Step 1. Change Html Start TAG code

Open Admin panel and select Site Settings under system and replace Html Start Tag by this code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html amp lang="en">


Wapmash wapkiz html start tag

Step 2. Insert Meta Header

Download and copy below meta header code.

Now Open Wapkiz Meta Header under system and paste the code in the box.

Note. Change all SITENAME and SITE TITLE

Step 3. Insert Header

Download and copy below header codes.

Now open header (page id -1) and paste the codes (header 2 after header 1).

Note. Customize header-2 code (SITE TILE, Folder Name, Folder id as your filelist).

Step 4. Insert Footer

Download and Copy below footer code.

Now open footer (page id -2) and paste the code.

Step 5. Insert Home Page Code.

Download and Copy the below home page codes and paste on home page (site id 0)

If You want Manually Latest Update, Download and copy this code (home-page-1.1)

And if you want Automatic Latest Update, then Download and copy this code (home page 1.2)

Now Download and copy below code and place it after (below) home-page-1.1 or home-page-1.2 code. (This code will display File Manager Category for Mobile Users only)

And Now copy below code and paste it at the top of the page (home page)

:title:Mp3 Songs Download - Music Unlimited - WapMash.xyz:/title:

Step 6. Search Page Code

Create a new page, name search and paste below code in it.

Step 7. Latest Update Page Code

Create a new page, name updates and paste below latest-update-manual or latest-update-auto

If You want Manually Latest Update, use this code (latest-update-manual)

If You want Automatic Latest Update, use this code (latest-update-auto)

Step 8. Category or List Page

Create a new page, name lists and paste below code

Step 9. Download Page Code

Create a new page, name download and paste below code

Note. Replace SITENAME.wapkiz.com by your own and EXAPLE.COM by your custom domain.

If you don’t have custom domain, you don’t need to change EXAMPLE.COM .

Step 10. Top Songs Page

Create a new page, name Top Songs and paste below code

Step 11. Last Added Songs Page

Create a new page, name Last added Songs and paste below code

Step 12. Now create 3 pages as below and add your content there.

  1. About (/site-about.html)
  2. Contact Us (/site-contact-us.html)
  3. Disclaimer (/site-disclaimer.html)

Tutorial For Manual Latest Update


Open Bloglist and Add New Post

  1. Bid: Insert bid name update. Whenever you are creating a new update bid should be update. If you want to change it, you need to change it on latest update code too.
  2. Title: Use this box for thumbnail (Insert thumbnail url) (See below image)
  3. Post Text: This is the main box to write about new update. You can use bbcode and html tag to customize your update.
  4. Category: Insert category for the post here.

You have to post as shown below image.

wapmash custom latest update

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  1. অনলাইন ইনকাম ব্লগ ইনকাম এসিও সম্পর্কে জানতে নিচে লিংকে গিয়ে সিখে আসতে পারেন করুনwww.hilplife.xyz এখানে ক্লিক

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